June 6-9, Chicago, IL

Prince Jackson

Clan: Ventrue

Generation: 8th

Nickname: Paladin


Played by: B. Dave Walters from LA By Night Fame


In the shadow-laden alleys of Chicago, Kevin Jackson, known as “Paladin,” reigns as the Prince of the city’s vampiric society. A descendant of the Ventrue clan, Jackson’s ascent to power was marked by the dramatic fall of his predecessor, catalyzing his emergence as a beacon of authority and order within the Camarilla. Mentored by the astute Brujah primogen Critias and born from the influential bloodline of Lodin, his leadership is both a testament to his lineage and a challenge to his foes. Jackson’s governance is characterized by strategic finesse and a deep connection to his roots, constantly reminded that one’s past does not define them, but the legacy they create and leave behind does. His story is a compelling saga of power, legacy, and the eternal struggle for dominance in the night-shrouded world of vampires.

Primogen Critias

Clan: Brujah

Generation: 5th

Played by: Jason Carl, Ultimate Storyteller – World of Darkness


Critias is an ancient Brujah and a prominent figure in the Chicago vampire community, serving as the Primogen. He hails from Athens, where he was a well-known philosopher before his embrace. Critias is drawn into the eternal feud between Menele and Helena, adding a layer of historical intrigue and conflict to his role in modern nights. He is depicted as a mentor to other significant characters in the World of Darkness, such as Kevin Jackson, the current Prince of Chicago. His character embodies the classical Brujah archetype of warrior-philosopher, deeply involved in the politics and power struggles of vampire society. For more detailed information, you can visit the World of Darkness Wiki [here](https://whitewolf.fandom.com/wiki/Critias).

Elder Inyanga

Clan: Gangrel

Generation: 6th

Played by: Tana DePass


Elder Inyanga is a formidable figure in the World of Darkness, particularly within the Chicago setting. Originally a shaman among the people who would later become known as the Zulus, she possessed sorcerous powers, including the ability to shapeshift, before her embrace by a vampire known as “The Egyptian” in the 5th century. Inyanga’s vampire life is marked by her deep knowledge of spirits and the supernatural world.


Inyanga traveled to Chicago in 1852, drawn by the rise of Prince Maxwell, the first black Prince of any American city. Her presence in Chicago became significant as she joined the city’s Primogen and retained her seat even after Maxwell was ousted by Lodin in 1871. Throughout her time in Chicago, Inyanga has been a recurring thorn in the side of subsequent leaders, including Lodin, due to her deep-rooted principles and powerful presence.


Her character is a blend of ancient wisdom and modern political savvy, embodying the complex dynamics of vampire society and the struggle between old powers and new realities.